“Jo's wealth of experience, positive encouragement and motivational style is perfect for whatever stage you're writing at. Her videos are engaging and concise. Her editorial coaching package really helped me reach my writing goals, kept me accountable to the targets I'd set and enabled me to prepare my best work for submission. In addition to being professional and enthusiastic, she's also a downright lovely person and a pleasure to work with. I cannot recommend Jo highly enough.”
J C Harroway, International Bestselling Author, www.jcharroway.com @jcharroway
“Joanne Grant’s enthusiasm and positive coaching helped me overcome those doubts every writer faces at some point in their career. Her editorial feedback was thorough, and encouraging, enabling me to see the skills I needed to improve on. Every writer needs Joanne Grant in their corner!” Rachael Thomas, Romance Author, @rachaeldthomas
Having a coaching session with Joanne was such a brilliant experience. Revisions of my WIP had stalled and I was stuck in a cycle of endless editing and tweaking. Two weeks after the session I’d completed the revisions and off they went to the editor.
A month after that I received my first ever book deal!
I couldn’t have done it without Joanne’s insight, support and kindly but firm shove to bloomin’ get on with it. She gave me the self-belief to finish the job while also being realistic about next steps.
If you are wondering about investing in some one-to-one sessions with Joanne, don’t hesitate. She’s amazing and you couldn’t make a better decision for advancing your writing career.
Julieanne Howells, Mills & Boon Modern/Harlequin Presents Author, @julieannehowells
“Joanne's videos are very uplifting and motivational. Her passion for writing and writers comes through and her ideas really resonate with what an aspiring writer is trying to accomplish.” Marcie Robinson, Writer
“Working with Joanne is a fabulous experience. She is always encouraging and constructive with the result that a writer can question where and how a story is going without losing confidence in their ability to write. Sessions are focused, but fun – Joanne has a great sense of humour! Sessions with Joanne are a great way to uncover stylistic or other problems which might be preventing a writer from fulfilling their potential.”
Liz Kershaw, Writer, www.lizkershaw.co.uk
“For me my discussion around my writing with Joanne was a revelation. Not only did she help me understand where I could strengthen and improve my current work, but she also helped me see clearly where I was already proficient. Talking to Joanne was like talking to someone I had known for a long time. She coached me to find the answers to my own questions, allowing me to bring my ideas to full fruition. She made me feel reignited about my current story and was genuine in her feedback. I wouldn’t hesitate to contact her again for support as I felt that she really cared about my success and was genuinely interested in what I had to say. Highly recommend her services.” Sandra Forder, Self-Published Children’s Author, @sahndree
“Jo speaks well and positively. She's excellent at encouraging creativity without overriding your vision with her own. She is truly a supportive and effective coach.”
Julie Chivers, @jac_73
I was struggling with what I wanted from my writing career so I booked an editorial coaching
package with Joanne. Her friendly and engaging manner made it easy to open up to her. She has an incredible ability to sift through my random thoughts to home in on the crux of the issue, which enabled me to set goals both for my works in progress and for my writing career as a whole.
Having the package rather than ad hoc sessions was very helpful to keep me accountable.
Joanne’s industry expertise was invaluable in helping me navigate the complex and sometimes confusing world of publishing.
I ended my sessions with a clear direction for where I was headed and how I could get there. I found Joanne motivational and encouraging, as well as lovely to work with. I thoroughly enjoyed my sessions and I have no hesitation recommending her services.
R B Owen, Romance Writer, @writerrb01
Had a great coaching session with Joanne. With her support I was able to identify some key issues with my novel and begin the journey to creating something bigger and better. She is incredibly insightful and her years of experience in the industry make her feedback indispensable.
Will Andrews, Amateur Writer, @willandrewsbks
Joanne’s editorial coaching was very rewarding. Her ability to hone in and target your strengths and weaknesses is uncanny. She is always encouraging and motivational. She helped me to improve my writing and learn numerous craft techniques. Working with Joanne is highly recommended. Her years of experience makes her feedback invaluable.
P L Riley, Romance Writer
“Joanne really knows her stuff and has a lot of experience in the publishing world. She also empathizes with and relates well to writers, and I found her videos really helpful.”
Melissa Morgan, Writer, www.melissamorgan.co.uk
“Had a brilliantly insightful and thorough coaching session with Joanne. She’s helped me work through issues with my wip and given me the push I needed! Thanks so much! I would highly recommend her to all authors."
Lucy Morris, Historical Mills & Boon Romance Author, @LMorris_Author